

Surname,  Name  Position held Tel/fax Email address
    Anticamera   Tel. 022-22-03-00 Fax.022-21-15-37   [email protected]
  Mihail Machidon   Chairman Tel. 022-22-03-00     [email protected]  
  Pavel Sochircă   Vice President for Production Tel. 022-21-13-08   [email protected]
  Partas Eugenia   Head of DUS Testing Direction Tel. 022-21-13-08   [email protected]
  Mazur Mihail   Head of VCU Testing Direction Tel/fax. 022-21-14-63   [email protected]
  Aurelia Trofim   Principal specialist in the VCU testing of plant varieties (horticultural crops) Tel/fax. 022-21-14-63   [email protected]
  Statnic Mihail   Principal specialist in the VCU testing of plant varieties (vegetable crops) Tel/fax. 022-21-14-63   [email protected]  
  Chirilov Liudmila   Principal specialist in the DUS testing of plant varieties  Tel. 022-21-13-08   [email protected]
   Lidia Dănilă   Chief Accountant Tel/fax. 022-21-04-55   [email protected]
  Cristina Cojocari   Economist Tel/fax. 022-21-04-55   [email protected]
  Brăileanu Eugen   Jurist Tel. 022-21-13-08   [email protected]
  Cealîc Rodica   Superior inspector Tel. 022-22-03-00   [email protected]
  Petușcan Valeriu   Director of the Station Băcioi Tel. 060-50-11-44   [email protected]
  Eugenia Catlabuga   Director of the Station Vîsoca Tel/fax. 0230-52-285   [email protected]
  Alexei Spînu    Director of the Station Grigorievca Tel/fax. 0243-75-024   [email protected]
  Constantin Pascal   Director of the Station Zîrneşti Tel/fax. 0299-59-748   [email protected]
  Irina Ciornaia    Chief   of the Station Maramonovca Tel. 069-56-22-25  
  Pavel Cernev    Chief of the Station Pelenia Tel. 069-11-55-46  
  Nina Zubco    Chief  of the Station Nimereuca Tel. 069-11-88-70  
  Ion Caradjov    Chief  of the Station Svetlî Tel. 069-24-42-97  
  Ivan Șeghev    Chief  of the Station Tvardița Tel. 068-23-34-66  


Address for correspondence:                                         MD 2004, Chișinău                                                 bd.Ștefan cel Mare și Sfînt,180,                                   tel. (+37322) 220 300,  211 308,                                fax. (+37322) 211 537                                              email: [email protected]                                                       © All rights reserved      
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